Sunday, 28 June 2015

Gospel Reflection

In today's Gospel we see the faith of the women who was suffering from hemorrhage. "If I only touch His clock I shall be clean", and indeed she was. Jesus wants us to have such faith in Him. Jesus then brings a dead girl back to life. Jairus had only come for help, but wen the news came that her daughter had died it seemed that he had given up. But Jesus is the one who said that he still wanted to come and see. In our lives too Jesus is the one who takes the first step. It depends whether we allow Him or not.

"Anger or Happiness"

"Make your anger so expensive that no one can buy it and make your happiness so cheap that every one can afford it for free". This quote will be of much worth only if people would begin to follow it. The message is clear, to avoid being angry and to be happy and cheerful always and not only this but also to share our happiness with others.